How do I adjust the 230 Micro Pump output?
There are 3 different pump sizes available with volumetric outputs of 20, 40, and 60 µL per stroke. Each size can be supplied with a volumetric adjustment knob or in a fixed displacement configuration. This document only pertains if you have an adjustment knob.
It is suggested that the pump be left at full stroke and fluid output be adjusted by changing the pump cycle rate. If less fluid is desired, decrease the cycle rate but ensure there is still a continuous spray with no pulsing. If more fluid is desired, increase the cycle rate. However, in cases where very low output is needed and a stable spray pattern cannot be maintained when adjusting the pump cycle rate alone, the pump stroke length can be decreased, and the pump cycle rate increased.
Note that the pump is only self-priming at full stroke. This is shown with a “P” on the adjustment knob that lines up with a mark on the pump body. Rotating the knob towards the “0” mark will decrease the output, eventually shutting the pump off. The pump can also be changed out for another pump of a different size if you are unable to get the correct output by changing the cycle rate or stroke.