Unist is a world leader
in the design and manufacture of fluid application systems for industrial markets.
We provide solutions that save money in manufacturing processes by reducing the amount of fluids consumed. The consistent application of minimum quantities of fluid improves process efficiency, reduces waste, and is friendly to the environment.
The products on this website represent 60 years of experience, continuous product improvement, and field-proven performance. Let us demonstrate how we can help you save money and improve your manufacturing processes!

Machining & Metal Cutting Lubrication
Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) delivers superior cut finish, improved tool life, and eliminates messy, costly coolant.

Stamping & Metal Forming Lubrication
Consistent application of lubricants means cleaner work areas, improved efficiency, less waste, and significant fluid savings!

Precision Fluid Dispensing
Consistent application of lubricants means cleaner work areas, improved efficiency, less waste, and significant fluid savings!

Coolube® Lubricants
Get the full benefits of MQL with environmentally-friendly, 100% biodegradable, renewable Coolube® metal cutting lubricants