MQL makes dollars and sense!
Minimum Quantity Lubrication does much more than simply reducing fluid usage and costs. It delivers a host of other benefits – improving shop environments while remaining friendly to the global environment.

The "minimum" in "Minimum Quantity Lubrication" means using only a few ounces of lubricant per shift. This can add up to serious savings if you're currently using gallons upon gallons of coolant!

High quality MQL lubricants such as Unist Coolube® reduce friction so well that tool life can dramatically improve. Unist customers regularly report tools lasting 2 to 3 times longer after switching to MQL!

Properly lubricated tools not only last longer, they produce cleaner finished cuts!

With MQL, there's no need to circulate, filter, or treat fluid and no need to maintain or clean fluid handling equipment

The small amount of MQL oil used is mostly consumed in the cut. With MQL, there's no need to pay costly fluid disposal fees.

Chips and swarf are virtually dry with MQL. In fact, at Unist, we keep ours in a large cardboard tote! Say goodbye to wet, messy chips when you make the switch!

With MQL, there's no excess fluid to contend with. Your equipment, floors, and parts stay dry and clean with MQL! Any spills or minor residue can be cleaned with mild dish soap.

Our Coolube® lubricants are made from natural, plant-based materials that are biodegradable and renewable!

Natural Coolube® lubricants are safe for workers and do not cause dermatitis.
Ready to learn more?
MQL's benefits are undeniable and metal workers throughout the world have already made the switch from flood coolant. Interested in learning more including how MQL works and Unist MQL products?
Next: How MQL works ⤍